The Belt of Truth
The Belt of Truth
The Belt of Truth is what holds everything together.
•Raised gold plated AOG small mould canvas •Size 2.5” width •Made in China
•The Belt of Truth Ephesians 6:14 Armor of God embroidery •Can be worn at the hip or waist belt, sizing will differ based on where the belt is worn.
•Includes- AOG Belt buckle, AOG belt, personal pocket Bible, mini highlighter, and AOG Bible case.
•To Put it On, thread the belt through the belt loops starting from the left side, going counterclockwise. Slide the AOG case on the belt to the second to last loop, then insert the loose end through the buckle, ensuring the buckle is positioned on the left side of the zipper, with the the belt tail ending on the left side of the body.